
B Coin Exchange

To navigate to the B Coin Exchange you have to tap on your home button at the lower center of your screen and select the B Coin Exchange icon. [ADD IMAGES]

The B Coin Exchange is where players can buy or sell B Coins in exchange for UZD. It is an in-game exchange where players are trading B Coins for UZD and vice versa and all the prices in the Exchange are determined by the players.

In the Trade tab you can trade B Coins with other players by using either Sell and Buy Market or Sell and Buy Limit:


Sell and Buy MARKET

When a player sells or buys with the market order option – the player will buy or sell B Coins at the market prices. Meaning that if there are any orders from other players at any set prices – be it to buy or sell – this will be the price at what the trade will be executed at.

  • Example: Buy – Market Price

If player (1) has set an order to sell a B Coin for 1,000 UZD and player (2) has set an order at 999 UZD, when player (3) market buys one B Coin, player (3) will buy the one at 999 UZD since its the first in line to get traded which is always the cheapest bid from the current exchange price.

  •  Example: Sell – Market Price

If player (1) has set an order to buy a B Coin for 1,000 UZD and player (2) has set an order to buy a B Coin for 999 UZD, when player (3) market sells a B Coin, player (3) will sell the B Coin at 1,000 UZD since its the first in line to get traded which always the highest bid from the current exchange price.


Sell and Buy LIMIT

When a player sells or buys on the exchange with the limit order option – the player will buy or sell B Coins at a price that they have decided. Meaning that if there are any set orders from other players that match the price of the player – they will be executed, but if there are no bids that match the limit order set by the player – the order will become active in the “orders tab” and will be awaiting for a bid from another player to buy or sell into the order.

  • Example: Buy and Sell – Limit Price

If player (1) has set an order to sell a B Coin for 1,000 UZD and player (2) is market buying a B Coin – this means that player (2) will buy at any set price that is in the orders at the exchange, so the order will be executed at 1,000 UZD, meaning player (2) has now purchased player (1)’s  B Coin for 1,000 UZD and now player (1) will have 1,000 UZD and player (2) will have 1 B Coin.

This same process goes for the buy limit price as well. If player (1) has set an order to buy a B Coin for 1,000 UZD and player (2) is selling a B Coin on the market order price – this means that player (2) has now sold to player (1) a B Coin for 1,000 UZD.



In the Orders Tab you can track the pending and completed orders. You will be able to see if there are any pending or filled orders for selling or buying and once another player has sold his B Coins into your buy order or bought your B Coins into your sell order. If there are any left orders to be executed, they will stay in the order tab and all completed orders will be in your history tab.



The Charts Tab is a graphical representation of historical price, volumes and intervals for the traded B Coins on the exchange. In the MID MARKET PRICE you will be able to see where the players are meeting with their bids and also see the orders of other players into red or green waves. The red curves are the sellers and the green curves are the buyers and in the middle is where the sell/buy orders are being executed at that moment since and where the players are meeting with their asking prices.

The Green candles are data from buyers which have already executed their buy orders for B Coins and now the price has moved up – meaning there are no more sellers at a lower price and the asking bids from the sellers are now higher asking prices. The Red candles are data from sellers which have already sold their B Coins to other players and now the price has moved down – meaning there are no more buyers at a higher price and the next orders for buying B Coins is at a lower asking price.



The Books tab will provide information of all the orders placed by players that are currently buying or selling B Coins. The top section of the Books page represents the B Coin buyers and the lower section represents all the B Coin sellers.

There are also two columns – Market Size and Price (UZD)

The Market column shows the total amount of B Coins that are currently listed by sellers or buyers (combined) and are waiting to be executed at the price that is across the market size.


The Price (UZD) column shows the current price per B Coin for each buy or sell offer.

The UZD SPREAD shows the difference between the lowest sell offer and the lowest buy offer.



In the History Tab you can see all the past transactions that have been executed with their trading price and also view what time the transaction occurred in the Exchange.